
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

DNC Chair: Republicans Believe Illegal Immigration 'Should Be a Crime'

Debbie "what happened?" Wasserman-Schulz
Earth to Debbie!
Earth to Debbie!

You are wrong about Republicans. They don't think illegal immigration should be a crime. They know illegal immigration IS A CRIME! That's why it's called ILLEGAL immigration! These laws are already on the books. It's the selective or absence of enforcement of these laws that is destroying our country.

What do the Democrats do, find the most clueless person in their party and then offer them the DNC Chair position?

America and Americans have a right to know who is entering out country, and a right to refuse entry to unwanted persons. Every country in the world has these immigration laws, and exercises laws as deemed appropriate. American politicians pretend there isn't an illegal immigration problem. Look at anchor baby births, entitlements for non-citizens, millions working under the table and avoiding taxes, the overcrowding of hospital ER's across the country, increase in drug smuggling and human smuggling. increases in both crime and illegal immigrant incarcerations, increases in violent crime, increases in gang membership and gang illegal activities, increases in deadly drunk driving, increases in welfare food stamps, America providing cheaper college tuitions for illegals than for it's citizens, millions of illegal immigrants create unfair cheap workers for citizen employment competition, it is estimated that 50% of illegal immigrants are on some form of public support, and the refusal of these individuals to learn English and integrate. Other illegal immigrants through organizations like La Raza are racist in their beliefs, racist in their intentions, and claim ownership to some of America's south western states, which they are willing to use violence to get "their lands" back.

America doesn't seal the border and without a sealed border discussions of immigration reform is impossible. The partisan leaders of this country are letting this happen because they consider the illegal immigrants to be "undocumented Democrats". So all these problems in our nation are occurring for purely partisan political gain. This is an insult to all American citizens. When will the government act appropriately and enforce existing immigration laws? It's certainly not going to happen when there is a Democrat in the White House.

As far as returning these illegal immigrants to their home. Once you start enforcing employment which requires citizenship, and the current immigration laws, it will take about a decade before the vast majority of illegal immigrants will leave. With no work, and a constant threat of deportation of illegal immigrants will have no other choice than to leave America and go back to their country of origin where they belong. This is not racism. It is immigration law enforcement. If there were 15 million Swedes that have snuck into the country illegally, they would be treated the same way. America cannot afford to support all these illegal immigrants.

As  I have said so many times, I am sorry that Mexico sucks, but that doesn't make Americans responsible for their problems. Instead of sneaking into our country why don't you stay in Mexico and fix your own problems. The problems have to be solved in Mexico. And note that Mexico is a violent, corrupt, and poor country. As more and more illegal immigrants enter our country, our country is becoming more corrupt, more violent, and poorer. Immigrants bring their history and culture with them. Many illegal immigrants from Mexico have their loyalty still to Mexico. They fly the Mexican flag, refuse to speak English, and refuse to assimilate into America, as has all other legal immigrants in the past have done. These immigrants act like they are owed something by America. America owes them nothing. They owe America thanks for letting them stay awhile.
