
Monday, June 20, 2011

Obama Bureaucrats Imposing Radical Homosexual Sensitivity Training?

Keeping the marriage definition as 1 man and 1 woman is nothing like racism. For example: that's like saying a black person is not the only person to call himself black, because it excludes whites. Whites want to be called black too. Trying to piggyback same sex long term relationships off of current marriage law is a lot like a white calling himself black. It doesn't make any sense. You don't call whites black. 

Same sex relationships are not the same as heterosexual relationships. There will be different rules that will need to be added to marriage. Most gays are blinded by their rush to get married that they are not looking at the facts.  If you get "married" you have to abide by ALL current heterosexual marriage laws because the gay community is saying same sex marriage is same as heterosexual marriage.

Here's some simple questions: 
Does alimony apply to same sex marriages? 
In a same sex marriage is each partner legally responsible for the spending/bills of the other partner? 
In a same sex marriage who is the primary care giver if there are children? 
In a same sex marriage do both partners need to adopt all children?
Do same sex couples need to get blood tests before they are married? 
In a same sex marriage who takes whose last name?
Are child custody laws the same for same sex marriages?
Do same sex marriages have the same vows as heterosexual marriages?
In a same sex marriage can one partner charge the other partner with rape?
Are community property laws the same for same sex marriages?
Are inheritance laws the same for same sex marriages?
Are divorce laws and proceedings the same for same sex marriages?
Are tax codes the same for same sex marriages?
Are domestic violence laws the same for same sex marriages?
Will there be heterosexual sensitivity training too? If not, why not?
Are same sex couples considered married by Common Law rules?

Common-law marriage, sometimes called sui juris marriage, informal marriage or marriage by habit and repute, is a form of interpersonal status that is legally recognized in limited jurisdictions as a marriage even though no legally recognized marriage ceremony is performed or civil marriage contract is entered into or the marriage registered in a civil registry.

The gay community better think about some of these issues because current heterosexual marriage laws might not be applicable to same sex marriages. In other words me being a white guy really can't call myself black. It makes no sense.
