
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Notorious Hacker Group LulzSec Announces It Is Disbanding

feeling the heat?

The vermin are running from the bright light of investigations. Their hoping that by disbanding, investigations might decide not to pursue them. These investigations must continue and the LulzSec cyber terrorist hackers must be brought to justice. The investigations are of serious crimes already committed. Disbanding doesn't mean a thing to the ongoing investigations. It is very important that these serious crimes are punished appropriately to deter future cyber terrorist attacks.

These cyber terrorists have wreaked havoc on corporations, law enforcement, and politicians. Unfortunately, cyber crime is considered by many to be benign in nature and non-violent. But the information revealed when the data is dumped on the public networks can cause serious problems and physcial harm. Law enforcement documents revealing home addresses, phone numbers, employment history of Border Security officers put those officers in serious physical danger.