
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MSM Baseless Attacks On Michele Bachmann, who can be the most offensive and obnoxious, hard news clearly showing their partisan agenda, no evidence, no facts, just name calling

fighting the terror that flies by night and the arrows that fly by day
  • Stephanopoulos Tries Savaging Bachmann


  • CNN Anchor Asks Bachmann: Do You Lie on Purpose?


  • NY Times Reports Bachmann's 'John Wayne' Flub, Ignored Obama's Awful Fallen Soldier Error

I am waiting for a reporter to ask if she stopped beating her husband. That's about the same level of baseless name calling we have seen from the MSM. You think maybe someone would ask a policy or issue question. No calling her names is all they want to do. Or as a matter of fact, calling names was all that they were instructed to do by the MSM media outlets. You can't ask a policy question because it might invoke an intelligent response that resonates with the viewers. You cannot give her a platform for her ideas because the left cannot win any argument based on their ideas.

She's also been threatened with the fact that all 23 of her foster children are going to be questioned to find out what kind of foster mother she was. I would like to ask all the teenage children of MSM media dads and moms to give their opinion of their parents. Disgruntled teenagers are everywhere and yet Michele tried to help 23 of them get through high school successfully. I don't care what they say about her. At least she tried to make a difference.

A word of caution to the MSM. The more obnoxious and outrageous your name calling and insults get, the more America will see she is being mistreated, and they will rally to support and defend her. America knows whose being strictly partisan and supporting baseless attacks, even though the MSM thinks conservative America is stupid. It's the MSM media outlets that are making partisan fools of themselves, not Michele Bachmann.