
Friday, June 17, 2011

Kobach/SB1070 Co-Author - Another amnesty? New bill hobbles border states

Why are the politicians in Washington refusing to enforce immigration laws? Because many see illegal immigrants as undocumented democrats and they don't want to offend the hispanic voters. They don't care about American citizens and institutions greatly impacted by the flood of refugees. 

Most refugees are not stand up hard working family types, most are criminals with records in Mexico and/or America, most have been deported numerous times and returned, and most still participate in drug and human smuggling,  identity theft, tax code violations and violent crimes including rape, domestic abuse, burglaries, robberies, murder, kidnapping, molestation, pedophilia, and DUI hit/run or vehicular homicide. 

Our prisons are overcrowded, our court system is bursting at the seams, our hospital ER's are filled with uninsured non-emergency patients, and our public entitlements for citizens has been abused by illegal immigrants with anchor babies. Native born citizenship was never intended to let illegal immigrants sneak into our country, give birth, and then have complete access to public services and entitlements. Laws need to change to prevent illegal immigrants from abusing native born citizenship laws. 

Illegal immigrants are abusing America's laws and I consider it at the same level of  fraud as Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Simply stated illegal immigrants cannot live or work in America without breaking identity theft or tax code violations. Realistically they are illegal because of their immigration status and then they commit additional crimes on a daily basis to stay and work in this country.
