
Monday, June 20, 2011

John McCain, Lindsay Graham, When RINOs attack GOP candidates

John "RINO" McCain
Lindsay "gramnesty" Graham

RINO's extraordinare

Perfect timing for liberal progressive MSM election coverage, RINO Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham attack the 2012 GOP candidates. Both seem to think candidates are too "dovish" and too "isolationist" to be a war on terror president. Like the perfect RINO's they are, they come out insulting the Republican candidates quoting the "what would Reagan do or say" argument. I do remember that Reagan's 11th commandment that you don’t speak ill of fellow Republicans, has been broken by these two whenever it suits them. Should they still be called Republicans? No they are RINO's through and through.

So the comments of these two RINO's has little or no credibility because they are doing it to provide aid and comfort to the enemy Obama and the Democrats. They are intentionally and publicly supporting Obama's bid for re-election. Obama qualifies as being more dovish and isolationist than any of the GOP candidates. Why don't they attack Obama? If you think the GOP candidates are to "dovish" and "isolationist", give them a phone call and talk to them about it. Don't viciously blind side attack the candidates in the media and the press. So make all the media waves and liberal coverage you want. You both are just looking for liberal attention and have no credibility with American Republican conservatives or even moderates anymore.

The facts is the U.S. is currently fighting 3 wars. Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. I am not sure the American public want to support anymore wars right now. Finish the one's we are already fighting before starting any new ones. That's not "dovish" or "isolationist", it's just pragmatic and common sense.
