
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Indoctrination Fridays: Curriculum Teaches Kindergartners to Unionize

Teachers openly indoctrinate children in the early grades to homosexuality, Darwinism, God doesn't exist only science exists, being ashamed of American history, people that have religious faith are uninformed backward ignorant fools, conservatives and Republicans are racist imperialist war mongers, liberal progressives are informed voters who have right and justice on their side, the military is an oppressive imperialistic tool, capitalism is bad, socialism is good, it's good for government to regulate people's private life decisions for their own good, illegal immigrants should be protected because they are not really illegal (we are all immigrants), Islam and Muslims are misunderstood and not a threat to our country, unions are the greatest thing for workers, everything that's wrong in the world is America's fault, everything that's right in the world is credited to other nations, racial profiling is racism, political correctness is more important than the truth, and everything would be better if we were more like the European socialists. 
