
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Individual Mandate Bullies Americans, Are Muslims Exempt from 'ObamaCare' Health Insurance Mandate?

read this book

dragging non-payers to the socialist gulag

lies after lies after lies

our POTUS glorifies violent gangsta culture
very mature

costs skyrocket

free speech is dead

costs, costs, costs

the end of free speech

says it all and McDonalds got a waiver

attack free speech with the race card

it's a start

everyone does hate it

the states are fighting
first thing: hire 15000 IRS Agents
Is it true that Muslims are exempt from the individual health care mandate for religious reasons? Their argument is that insurance is a form of gambling and is a form of usury which is prohibited by the Islamic faith.

If Muslims have waivers from mandated health insurance once again they are being treated specially and differently from all other Americans. All people are suppose to be treated equally under the law. Currently the U.S. military permits Indian sikhs and Muslims to grow beards. All other religions and demographic groups must keep clean shaven, even orthodox Jews can't have beards.

What the hell is happening to this country?
I don't recognize my own country.
