
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mitt Romney? Global Warming? Romneycare? Not Conservative?, Need Strong Conservative In POTUS And Legislature.

I have been trying to look over the Republican and Tea Party candidates. Mitt Romney is one candidate that was giving me trouble because he has a tendency to be a chameleon. Changing his stripes and his colors based on the current ground conditions. Unfortunately in the crisis situation that the nation is in, in terms of jobs and the economy, the last thing we want is someone that does not have firm conservative values and will change with the weather or the locale. Mitt Romney is not a dependable conservative and that's what we need right now. The issues with Romney is his stance on man-made global warming, Romneycare, and Obamacare.

Man Made Global Warming
At a campaign stop Romney said the following:  "I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire. Mr. Romney, like many global warming supporters, believes global warming is man caused like a religion. Facts are for science, beliefs are for religion.

Global warming is not a religion. Either the facts, evidence, and analysis support or disprove man caused global warming. Throughout history weather and temperature fluctuations are occurring constantly. There have been colder periods and warmer periods. One example, the middle ages in Europe was an extremely warm period.  Warmer than it is today. The middle ages did not have CO2 emissions created by man. So something other than man created it.

He has not taken an informed stand on the subject. Currently the scientific community is very split on man-made global warming. As many scientists believe in it's existence as believe it doesn't exist and it's just the natural fluctuation of weather. Does man-made global warming exist? We don't know, and because we don't know then no cap and trade or environmental regulations are of any use. If we don't understand what is causing the problem, then we can't find the correct solution to the problem.

During all the global warming discussions, reports, committee's, and scientific analysis the scientific community has shown bias toward man made global warming because there is funding and grants for those who come up with that "right conclusions" from the data analysis. Data analysis can be interpreted to get any result anyone really wants. That's the problem. There is little confidence in the scientists results because so many inconsistencies, errors, fudge factors, manipulations, and downright misleading conclusions have occurred. The general public does not have much confidence in the so-called "objective" scientific community, because the scientific community has demonstrated so many "subjective" and non-scientific method behaviors that it makes all results suspect by their funding needs, personal leanings and biases.

Now there are scientists running around claiming they have weather simulators that can predict the weather decades in advance. Nonsense. We can't even predict the weather more than a week in advance. Quite often predictions are wrong. Now a simulator is just a Fortran program to crunch numbers and come up with temperature results. As part of that number crunching is the creation of best guess environmental condition "numeric factors" that contribute to the number crunching and final result. Those "numeric factors" are estimated because nobody knows what they exactly will be in the future. You can estimate these "numeric factors" to produce any final result you wish. It's garbage in(bad estimates), garbage out(bad results).

In the last decade winter has been longer and more severe than in past decades. Immediately some blame global warming. Not based on fact but because they believe it is global warming. Many scientists declare that the weather forces of El Nino and La Nina have more impacts on this colder weather than global warming.
Lets look at those scientists who say they can predict the future based on current trends and condition. Not one of these scientists in the last decade predicted harsher winters this decade. If they can predict then why didn't they accurately predict the harshers winters?

For a good laugh go back about 10 years and look at the global warming predictions. They included mass flooding from rising seas, famine, severe drought, the end of some civilization(s), and violent survivalists hoarding resources. None of this has happened.

My Best Guess: The temperatures from 1948-1978 were stable, not increasing, not decreasing. Man's generation of CO2 emissions exploded in these years, industrial growth and millions of automobiles, yet no change in temperatures. 1978-1998 appears there were temperatures increasing but by less than a degree of change. 1998-2011 appears there were temperatures decreasing but by less than a degree of change.

The correct answer for Mitt Romney is to say that we don't know whether man is causing global or not. More investigation and analysis needs to be done to get the scientific community to agree. When more analysis is complete then we will look at the results and determine if in fact changes in man's environment and lifestyle needs to occur. That's the position he should have taken.

Romneycare and Obamacare
Romneycare is Obamacare but only for a single state. The complexity, costs, unexpected impacts, and general public animosity toward this attempt at a single payer socialized medicine is stunning. This health care system will fail just like the socialized health plans in Europe are starting to fail. Romney supported Romneycare, but says he does not support Obamacare. This muddies the waters on where he really stands

The government cannot run mortgage houses (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, both losing billions), can't run the postal service (lost $8.4 billion for fiscal 2010), cannot run Medicare and Medicaid properly and both programs are drowning in fraud and mismanagement and are ultimately, in their present form, unsustainable, and cannot provide a sustainable Social Security system. So what makes voters believe they will be able to manage 2700 pages of Obamacare that creates rationing, death panels,  wait for treatment, and medical decisions are no longer controlled by the patient and doctor, but instead by bean-counters in Washington. Obamacare must be repealed and we must start over for a new approach to health care.

For his support of man-made global warming do not want to support Mitt Romney for president.
For his support of Romneycare I do not want to support Mitt Romney for president. 

But if Romney is the GOP and Tea Party candidate, I will support him. Anything to get rid of Obama.