
Thursday, June 23, 2011

High-Stakes Poker: Hollywood Leftists Hid Millions of Dollars from IRS?, Radar: Tobey Maguire, Affleck, Damon, DiCaprio Involved in Illegal Poker Games, Celeb Illegal Poker Game: Cocaine & Hookers In A Backroom

They make the kind of money they do, and they still find time to cheat the IRS.

I suggest an audit of each of them for the last 5 years, and audits in the future for the next 5 years. They should not be treated any different than any other tax cheats. Let's have a look at their books, bank accounts, purchases, and tax liability! Let's look at everything!

Where did the millions of poker ante dollars come from. They have this kind of walk-around cash? Something is really wrong here. Once again Hollywood plays by a set of narcissist rules. The I. Me, Mine culture taken to the boorish offensive juvenile obscene extreme limits or with no limits at all.

Gambling high on coke with hookers on site. You guys should be really proud of yourself. I'll bet your moms are real proud too. It's a grotesque display of the values and morals in Hollywood.
