
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grim Milestone: Obama HHS to send spies into doctors' offices

Now the Obama administration shows concern about a doctor shortage? They should have thought about that before the individual mandate added at least 30 million new patients.

Forget about doctors that now refuse Medicare or Medicaid patients because of fee reductions created by the U.S. government.

If every doctor accepts every patient request till his office hours are full we are still short anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000 doctors for the number of patients in America. This means difficulty finding a doctor, and then a waiting period before an actual appointment. For some doctors in Canada the wait for socialized medical doctors and specific specialists can be up to a year. Similar wait times occur in European countries with socialized medical systems. In some cases a patient can die from their disease before they even get to have the specialist they need provide  treatment.

American has never had these type of long wait times. Anyone needing a specialist could be seen almost immediately in most cases. That level of care is now disappearing because of the creation of Obamacare. America is now entering the socialized , rationing, death panel, medical nightmare.
