
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Good news: “Change” president apparently holding de facto fundraisers at the White House

has broken every 2008 campaign promise,
now he starts his 2012 campaign promises
He's crossing the line between partisan political fund raising and campaigning, and his responsibilities as POTUS in the White House.

I have absolutely no hope that Washington culture is going to change under Obama.

He will use all his resources as POTUS to support his reelection. He will make decisions to buy votes and not care about the impacts on the American people or the American nation. In his last 2 years as fearless leader he will virtually destroy American economy, jobs, wages, manufacturing, immigration,  health care, auto industry, education, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment benefits, welfare and food stamps, small business, and any possible chance of economic recovery.

Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned!
Obama Performed Deceptive Partisan Kabuki Theater While America Burned!

Partisan politics as usual with extreme methods of Chicago thuggery coupled with the paranoia of an enemies list. Reelection campaign vote buying frenzy expected as follows: 

Bribe                                        Votes Purchased
amnesty                                    (Hispanic vote)
Afghanistan withdrawal           (anti-war vote)
evolving on gay marriage         (gay vote)
reaching out to Muslim world  (Islamic vote)
snubbing Israel                         (anti-Jewish vote)
public/private union support    (union vote)
class warfare                             (anti-rich vote)
buy auto industry                      (socialist vote, union vote)
stimulus                                     (big business vote)
Obamacare                                (single payer socialized medicine vote, insurance votes)
Obamacare Waivers                  (friends vote, big business vote)
Executive Order Dream Act     (Hispanic vote)
open borders                             (liberal progressive vote)
man of color                              (black vote)
MSM partnership                      (liberal progressive vote, young vote, misinformed vote)

Notice the fact that it is difficult to find "bribes" for America's non-union working taxpayer vote, the military vote, the religious vote, and the small business vote. These four categories make up the majority of the American electorate. Yet they are ignored and in fact attacked and insulted by this admininstration.
