
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bernanke’s Great Historic Experiment Approaches Judgment Day

In my opinion any chance of a recovery in the economy that creates jobs was lost when the Obama Administration bribed and bullied politicians, encouraged not reading the bill, and force fed Obamacare to the American public. Most Americans were shocked that they would force it through when it was obvious that the majority of Americans were against it. Every business and individual in America is impacted by this bill and with 27,000 pages it is difficult for anyone to understand what this means for the businesses in America. Every business is afraid to make a decision until they know the impacts. There must be serious impacts since over 1300 businesses, organizations, and even some states have applied and were granted waivers to get out of the regulations and restrictions of this monstrous bill. 

Waivers for friends, no waivers for enemies. Chicago Thug politics rears its ugly head again and again in this administration.
