
Sunday, May 15, 2011

White House Issues Another 200 Obamacare Waivers, Total 1372

Keep Your Doctor Simplicity?

biggest national debt theives

provide more at lower cost?

just more wasteful spending from gov.

Change is here, and everyone is happy?

the socialist marriage of gov. and health care
waiting months or years for a treatment?

why is Congress exempt?

you can't force everyone to have insurance

health care facilities will fail or move?

Death lubricates the wheels of Obamacare

health care double speak from all

Obama: there will be no Death Panels! OK so maybe there is.
It says volumes about a piece of legislation when literally thousands request waivers from it's policies. How can POTUS continue with the farce that Obamacare is good for America. From patients, doctors, nurses, hospitals,  insurance companies,  large employers, entire states, and the majority of American voters have all requested waivers from it's policies, and have been granted those waivers  by Obama. How good can its policies be if everyone is finding ways to avoid those policies. A 2700 page monstrosity that everyday reveals new intrusive and unworkable policies that will destroy the American health care system.
