
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Has Happened To America?

We have enjoyed freedoms in this country that many nations just dream about. We are all supposed to be free to decide the path of our lives and the pursuit of our own happiness. Suddenly, it appears that the partisan political machines are overreaching their authority. Lets look at a few examples.

  • in San Francisco they tried to make happy meals illegal. That means during the Up Your Alley public street debauchery festival, it is OK to drink urine and piss on each other, but a Happy meal might soon be off limits
  • it is freedom of speech to burn the flag, but flying and drawing the flag is off limits in some areas
  • liberal progressive politicians are banning chocolate milk in school lunches because of the sugar
  • liberal progressive politicians are banning soda machines at school
  • we're giving cost reduced tuition to illegal aliens, but we don't provide the same discount to our own citizens
  • 400,000 illegal immigrants cross the border each year and no one in government does anything about it. I apologize if Mexico sucks, but it is not America's responsibility to let people come and go in and out of our country any time they want. No other country allows this on their border.
  • young male illegal immigrants are most likely to join latino street gangs because they fit right in with the criminal activity, don't need to speak English, and make money immediately "off the books"
  • our nations hospitals, and ERs specifically, are treating 10-15 million illegal immigrants that should not be here. Five hospitals in California went broke and closed.
  • there are thousands of illegal immigrants who on a daily basis control the movement of drugs and human trafficking across the border
  • crime rate in every city in America is higher because of illegal aliens
  • prison population in every state is much larger because of illegal immigrants
  • POTUS promising amnesty that he can't deliver is just increasing the illegal immigrant flow across the border. THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS DO NOT SUPPORT AMNESTY
  • America has it's worst unemployment in decades and millions are without work. Yet POTUS wants to legalize illegal immigrants so that Americans have 10 million more workers competing for the same jobs. It's no longer illegal immigrants are doing the jobs America doesn't want. Right now in this economy Americans are desperate and will take any employment to bring in some money
  • the majority of illegal immigrant families are on public entitlements because of anchor baby abuse
  • illegal immigrants get free health care, citizens have to pay for their health care
  • college classrooms are setting up classes to teach the benefits of Obamacare when the majority of Americans don't want Obamacare.
  • American schools are preparing to teach the "homosexual lifestyle" to our children. I don't care what age group, I for one would not want to attend that class. I prefer to know as little as possible about the gay lifestyle. Our children should be allowed to skip this class and it should be a voluntary elective instead of a mandatory class. In a way, homosexuality is a set of beliefs and practices that can be considered a form of religion. You can't teach about religions in schools but you can teach various techniques of sodomy, fellatio, and anal fisting. We are not allowed to teach about the basics of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Bhuddism
  • public worker unions are sucking the blood out of government with excessive benefits that are paid by non-union American taxpayers. POTUS is really more a union boss than a politician.
  • 1.3 million abortions a year many paid for by taxpayer money. The culture of death continues
  • late term partial birth abortions are still being done across this country. To the vast majority of Americans these late term abortions are nothing more than government sanctioned murder.
  • Evolution, which is not a science, is taught as true, when it is completely unproven and looks to have problems with even the basic definitions of life. Darwin's claim of randomness and mutations is simply madness, not proven science. As it looks right now evolution will never be a proven science. If Darwin was correct, where are all the failed mutations that did not survive as the fittest. We only see complete skeletal examples in the fossil record of fully formed species, no mutations in progress.
  • progressive liberals rewrite history and then present America as a greedy capitalist imperialist war monger country of racists. Somewhere all the good America has done for the world disappears or never occurred.
  • Intelligent Design is illegal to teach, yet the more and more we learn about science it becomes quite obvious that none of the complex sciences we know about could have happened by accident. Atomic structure is obviously not a random accident, but a complex set of rules and laws that govern the structure of the physical world we live in. DNA did not happen by accident because it is just too complex. So who/what created them?
  • No where is any science class across the country teaching how the sciences were created. No they teach that the sciences were just magically there from the beginning after a big bang. This has about as much scientific support as creationism taught in many religions. What was the universe before the big bang and what caused the Big Bang are two topics totally ignored by modern science classrooms. Without knowing what caused the Big Bang, you will never know what caused the massive explosion that created our world(s)
  • Unions think they are more important than non-union workers in our country and they will resort to intimidation and thuggery to get their way. POTUS gives complete political support to the unions.
  • Elitist progress liberal "journalists" in the MSM fabricate facts and present a biased progressive view of the world. Some unfortunates assume it is factually correct and not partisan rhetoric.
  • POTUS has created a Chicago Thug Administration with friend and enemies lists. To get legislation passed he will bribe a vote with $300 million dollars of funds for a state. Now the politician is not voting on the quality of the bill, buy the size of the bribe. That's not in the spirit of democracy in America. What's best for America should always trump partisan agenda's
  • scientist working on global warming have lied, faked data, tweaked software to get desired outcomes, threaten to destroy all raw data, and have no credibility any longer with the American public. From now on it should be called what it is, "global hoaxing".
  • global warming supporters speak of global disasters if we don't change our lives, but alarmists have no intention of correcting their non-green ways. If it's a crisis why aren't the supporters behaving like it's a crisis.
  • progressive liberal are appeasers of Islam. They attack Americans as islamophobes if they are validly distressed by the teaching, actions, behaviors, violence, and intolerance of Islam. The progressive incorrectly believes the problem is with the observers view of Islam and not the behavior and beliefs of Islam. Read the Koran. You will find it to be a book of hate speech against non-Muslims. Hate speech that is believed and practiced by religious Muslims. Hate speech that must be accepted as written because it is the word of god.
  • some talk about moderate Muslims. I am not sure they exist. The Koran is the word of god spoken by the Archangel Gabriel to Mohammad. It is the word of god and must be accepted in it's entirety. Muslims can't pick and choose what sura's to believe. It's all or nothing. So I guess a moderate Muslim is one who will not perform the violent act, buy believes the same as the extremist, and justs sits and watches as other extremists Muslims perform their attacks on non-Muslims. That is not a moderate, that is a co-conspirator to the crimes because they did not try to stop what they knew was going to happen. In every Mosque, everyone knows the extremists. They could easily be pointed out by the moderate Muslims to help America's security. So far not a single Muslim has stepped up and admonished the violence and bigotry of extremist Muslims.