
Monday, May 23, 2011

Scott Brown: Why I don't back Ryan Medicare plan

This plan will impact Medicare. Next plan will impact maybe social security. Another plan might impact Medicaid. In all cases the oldest of our population will probably be hit most because those are the citizens that use these services the most. No matter what you cut someone will complain. Personally I trust the greatest generation to do their part and help with the economic difficulties ahead.

Its getting very old the position many politicians have taken. They attack proposal of others but never submit a proposal of their own. It's easy to be the mean old troll under the bridge who stands in the way of progress and complains about everything others do and never provide your own suggestions.  Sometimes you need to ignore the mean old troll under the bridge and do what you think is right.

Rino Alert: Another reason Scott Brown is against Paul Ryan's proposal is because he is a RINO.  RINO's are against anything a Republican does and for anything a Democrat proposes. Hey New England Republicans! You messed up and elected another RINO into office. Let's see how that works out for you. If he was elected as a Republican than he should follow the guidelines of the Republican party, otherwise remove the "R" from his  political affiliation.
