
Friday, May 27, 2011

Rush: Obama Is 'Easily Beatable' ... His Record 'Indefensible'

 To beat Obama a candidate needs to do 3 things:
  • 1: Reveal Campaign Promises: make everyone aware of Obama's campaign promises in 2008
  • 2: Reveal Broken Campaign Promises: make everyone aware of Obama's record of not accomplishing campaign promises
  • 3: Reveal Record of Accomplishments/Failures While In Office: list Obama's performance record while in the White House. Economy, jobs, illegal immigrants, Muslim appeasement, Gitmo, enhanced interrogations, foreign policy, military support, CIA Intelligence support?, Obamacare: it's costs, bribery, and waivers, Failed stimulus, cash for clunkers stupidity, beer summit stupidity, racial decisions he has made including poll intimidation by NBP, lack of leadership, excessive spending,  Chicago Thug Political Machine Administration, hate list, friends list, union connections and pandering, improper role of czars, incoherent speeches, clueless without teleprompter, seems to be in over his head, lack of consistent values, principles, and policies, partisan pandering, lack of purpose in Libya, Bin Laden Decision was a no-brainer, uninformed foreign policy statements and decisions, promotion of socialism, amnesty issue,  and excessive mismanaged spending.
