
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rosie O'Donnell: Usama Bin Laden Deserved "Due Process"?

Usama Bin Laden is responsible for the deaths of 10 of thousands of innocent people. He blew them up with bombs, crashed planes into buildings, hundreds were burned alive in aviation fuel, others jump to their death to avoid the pain of burning alive, hundreds crushed when the buildings collapsed, and  flight attendants had their throats cut will box cutters. He's attacked ships, trains, and buildings all around the world. In Africa alone he wounded 5000 in one attack. He's killed innocent men, women, and children simply because they are non-Muslim. 

Rosie O'Donnell never thinks before she speaks. She is the quintessential "idiot wind". What due process did Usama give to all those people he killed. He didn't give a damn about them and now we are supposed to be monsters because we don't give a damn about him. He got as much due process as he gave his victims.

Live by the sword, die by the sword!
