
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

POTUS Arrogance Knows No Bounds, Illegal Immigrants Are Top Priority

Obama is a legend in his own mind. A deaf incompetent narcissist who is fiddling while Rome burns. He's an out of touch socialist ideologue abomination with an anti-American agenda. That is what  the majority of Americans think about him.

Obama the POTUS for the unions, Hollywood, MSM, illegal immigrants, Muslims, UN, socialists, and public dole minorities. Somewhere he forgot about the hardworking or jobless American taxpayer. He won't create new jobs, but he will create more competition for the jobs that do exist. This administration's priority is to buy votes for the Democratic party. Doing what is best for America and the majority of the American people is not on his priority list.

When a democrat looks at an illegal immigrant what does he see? an undocumented democrat!

He is actually thinking that it is best for America to reward illegal immigrants for breaking our immigration laws. Not another country on Earth would support this illegal immigrant atrocity. The result will be an additional increase in illegals crossing the border.

He is also a liar when he says he has done a good job on sealing the border and border security. If he was doing a good job on the border would the Hispanic community support him? You can't be good on border security and pander to illegal immigrants at the same time. Unless you have multiple personality disorder or some other mental illness.

His political positions and agenda's are unsupportable by the majority of American taxpayer. He provided 1200 National Guards troops for the border when they requested 12000, and he's already starting to remove the 1200 troops. His policies are to ignore illegal immigrants, catch and release, and avoid deportation at all costs. Also the states cannot be allowed to enforce immigration laws. That's the responsibility of the federal government, except the federal government refuses to enforce federal immigration laws. So nobody enforces immigration laws. We are in the midst of a hostile takeover by an illegal immigrant invasion, and he doesn't give a damn!

He is harming our country through following previously unsuccessful progressive liberal social engineering lunacy, and laughing about it as the progressive lemmings follow him off the cliff.
