
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Patricia Heaton Has Lost Potential Roles Because of Her Politics

Sometimes the hypocrisy of the Hollywood progressives is just stunning. These are the people that are furious and show anger at the black listing of celebrities because of communism in the 1950's. These same people black list GOP, Republican, Conservative, and Libertarian voters simply because of their political affiliation. The liberals across this country try to portray conservatives as the "haters". Well in reality it is the liberal progressive left that is intolerant and hateful of people with different ideas than theirs.

History has verified that Joe McCarthy was on the money when he said how many communists are working in America and how many are working for the U.S. government. This is when communism was an enemy of our country in our cold war with the Soviet Union meaning that some of these people could be risks to national security.

Conservatives are not a risk to national security and in fact want to improve national security against all potential enemies. Yet because of political views, many narcissist arrogant hypocritical members of the Hollywood community prefer to only work with people of their own political leanings. That's illegal, it's called discrimination. People should be treated equally. Remember the 1950's civil rights marches that tried to make the point of equality?

I find it amazing that anyone would consider a persons political affiliation when hiring for a job. I've worked for big companies IBM, Intel, GTE, AT&T, AG, Lucent, and many small companies. Never in 35 years have I seen anyone denied for employment because of their political party. I have never heard of an interviewer ever even asking a potential hire of their political preferences. I guess Hollywood is different because of it's liberal progressive secular elitist left wing members, movers, and shakers. Their bigotry is unbounded and they are so partisan that they refuse to see the discrimination. They don't wait for an interview to find out a persons political leanings. They send somebody to find out a potential employees politics and if they're conservative they will never be offered or given an opportunity to interview for the position or role. This is just another case of arrogant narcissist elitist power brokers in Hollywood violating the very practices that they decry from America's history.
