
Monday, May 16, 2011

Only Obama Could Look Bad after Killing Osama bin Laden

The narcissist POTUS. The words gracious, humble, and giving credit where credit is due are not in his vocabulary. George W. Bush interrogation policies led to the critical information of a courier used by Osama Bin Laden. Who was then tracked and followed for years with expectation there will be visits to where Osama Bin Laden was. The intelligence community was tracking the couriers cell phone, and a single call right outside Osama Bin Laden compound proved to be the game changer and verification of were Osama Bin Laden was. They knew what the courier was doing and where Osama Bin Laden was most likely to be. Seals planned and had two complete rehearsals with a mock compound constructed for this operation's purposes only.

What caught Osama Bin Laden was a combination of accurate intelligence based on interrogation information and confirmed by years of unrewarding surveillance that eventually caught the single cell call that confirmed where the target was. What did Obama do? Word has it that he agreed and then decided not to send a rocket to the location because it might cause too many casualties. So the rocket plan was out. Then Obama took over 16 hours to finally say OK thumbs up on the SEAL mission. He was provided all the info to make his decision, but still had to be forced kicking and screaming to make the final decision. Afterwards he presented it as 55/45 decision. The intelligence community had much more confidence in the target than 55/45.

Kudos to the intelligence organizations and SEAL communities for their stunning success.
