
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Obama Tries To Use Osama Momentum, To Fight For Illegal Immigrants, Instead of Fighting For The American Citizens.

they actually say they own the place?

Border Must Be Sealed Before Immigration Reform

 they think they own the place too

democrat view of the immigration issue

not really a joking matter
Obama's Contribution
America Is Too Generous!

If you knowingly, accidentally,  or intentionally entered the U.S. illegally then you are an illegal immigrant. If you are illegal, We don't know who you are?, Where you came from?, Why your here?, How will you support yourself?, Besides immigration have you committed any other crimes in America?, Where would you live? Are you involved in drug or human trafficking, Latino gangs? Will you pay taxes? Will you take a job that an American citizen deserves? Will you be using public services? How good is your health (diseases, conditions, medication, etc.)?

Every country in the world has immigration and citizenship requirements. Why can't America accept or deny entrance to our country based on the character  or needs of the immigrant . If you broke our laws to get here then perhaps you don't have an acceptable character to be allowed to immigrate. Every country is allowed to say who enters and who does not enter our country.

Mr President. seal the border, enforce state and federal immigration laws, stop catch and release policies, penalize business that hires illegals. There are plenty of Americans that will take any job during these tough times. Jobs should not go to illegal immigrants.

Mr. Obama why not try and do something for the American citizens instead of pandering to and aiding people who have criminally entered our country and now are taking American jobs and living off of American taxpayers. They probably work off the books so they pay no taxes. 

I think America has shown decades of looking the other way is not working. Mexico's violence is growing in all our major cities. Lack of immigration enforcement and deportations have allowed uncontrolled abuses of America's sovereignty, public services, and laws. America is tired of being abused by selfish squatters taking advantage of America's tolerance. America is tired of being tolerant and it is time to start enforcing America's laws like we should have been doing all along.

It's not because your Mexican, Chicano, Latino, or Hispanic its because you violated laws to get into this country. It's because your here and we can't afford to help you out anymore. Rather then trying to get more blood out of the stone called America, you might want to show some appreciation for what we have already tolerated and provided for you. The illegal immigrant impacts on crime alone justifies enforcing all immigration laws that America already has in place.