
Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama Is Cashing In On The Birth Dust Up?

From time to time a new level of stupidity is achieved when it comes to the MSM and Obama. For some reason, Obama thinks "finally finding the birth certificate" is a positive. He should have turned it over during  his run for president in the Democratic primaries. Why did he waste everyone's time not resolving the issue right away. Voters have a right to know where you were born. Obama supporters are saying he can ride the positive birth certificate bump in the polls. I think you will lose a bump in the polls. You help create a situation that wasn't an issue, then solve it quickly after almost 3 years, claim to be the hero that solved it, and you think the American people are impressed with you. You really don't live in reality.

note: I have examined the birth certificate and I believe the document is not a scan of a paper document, but rather a document manipulated and assembled with a modern computer system document application. I have seen the multiple birth certificate issue (from 2 different countries Kenya and Hawaii) and the identical handwritten number two in the same place on each document. Whomever wrote the 2 wrote it in both places or one's a copy of the other. I don't care about birth certificates anymore. This administration does nothing nice and easy. Everything is a battle. Too much energy is wasted on nonsense.