
Thursday, May 26, 2011

ICE Releases Killer Illegal Alien, Inability to deport 'undesirable' illegals frustrates U.S.

This an example of how messed up the immigration system is. Releasing a convicted killer on Main Street America is a travesty of justice and will only have horrific results. Once a coldblooded killer, always a coldblooded killer. Yet ignorant appeaser court rulings make his release mandatory.

Loeun Heng entered our country illegally, murdered a 16 tear old boy in Boston, served only 10 years in prison, and now Cambodia won't take him back so we are stuck with him, and on top of that the courts say he must be released into America. What a horrible poorly conceived illegal's rights come first immigration system. Loeun Heng is not the only one released either. It happens all the time.

