
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh my: Pawlenty calls for Medicare and Social Security reform — in Florida

Here is the major issue of this election. Should Republicans run on the truth, or run on the lies like the Democrats will. Some think Pawlenty has lost 2 primary states because he talks about the real issues and problems. The audience he is speaking to is adults. It's time for everyone to Man up and help to fix problems that impact us all. Republicans need to be seen as the honest problem solvers.

The Democrats will run as if nothing is seriously wrong with the finances of the federal government, federal budget, spending, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, illegal immigrants, and excessive public union entitlements. Democrats are going to run this election as a personality contest. Who do you like? Instead of who will do the best job solving America's problems.

If you want to explain what NEEDS to be done, you have to talk about the major federal problems that need to be fixed. It comes down to whether or not the American people are adult enough to hear the truth and then elect the best equipped candidate. Obama doesn't even admit there are problems. Pawlenty talks honestly about problems and what needs to be done to solve those problems. Pawlenty speeches should say: 

"I am sorry that these problems need to be discussed. There's no more running and hiding from the problems. We are all adults that have some serious problems in our country right now. We have to try and fix the problems now or we will forever disadvantage future American generations. Solving these issues is as critical and important as winning a major war. The damages to our government could be substantial if all of these issues are not addressed immediately. Electing Obama will not solve any of these issues".

Sorry America but the next POTUS must find solutions for:
  • Social Security is not sustainable. Major reforms need to be implemented.
  • Medicare is not sustainable. Major reforms are needed.
  • Medicaid is not sustainable. Major reforms are needed.
  • Obamacare is not what the American people wanted. They were lied to and their opinions were ignored. Obamacare was passed with a majority of Americans against it. To the shock of the nation. Lies and bribes got it passed in Congress. Lots of organizations, legislators, and companies showed their support, but have since applied for a waiver from its regulations.
  • Illegal Immigration needs sealed borders first and then a solution.
  • Government Spending must be drastically reduced for the next few years
  • National Debt is another major reform that is needed
  • Now voters have an adult decision to make. Do you want to elect a POTUS with his head in the sand and more worried about telepromoter speeches and being likable. Or do we elect a POTUS that is honest about the problems, honest about what needs to be done, honest about the challenges, and willing to try and get the done. Are Americans mature enough to see and understand the problems? I don't know. I guess we'll if this becomes just a personality competition. It should be an election about issues. Obama cannot discuss any of these issues because he has done nothing. He can't examine his record, his decisions
  • Obama has proven he creates more problems then he solves. He handed out $800 million to companies without overseeing what the money was spent on. He gained no jobs and actually lost about a million jobs.
In a graduation speech former VP Al Gore said the most serious problem facing this nation and the world is Climate Change. He's wrong. The most serious issues facing our nation are the one's listed above. There isn't any consensus nor accurate provable evidence that Global warming issues even exist in the form and time frame that alarmists claim.
