
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eva Longoria 'Brainstorms' With Obama on Immigration? or the Hostile Takeover?

It's comforting to know that when times get tough, Obama will use his big gun immigration experts when "brainstorming" about solutions to the problem. Glad to hear we have the greatest minds our country has to offer working to reform immigration. Instead of "brainstorming", when Obama and Eva Longoria get together to solve a problem its more like a "clueless drizzle", "pinhead precipitation" or "undocumented Democrat golden showers"! Their goal is to pander and cater to the criminal illegal immigrant, while ignoring the issues, fears, and anger of the American citizen. For some reason illegal immigrants are owed our services and entitlements, and citizens just go to the end of emergency room line behind illegals. In California, five hospitals have closed because they went bankrupt. They are not permitted to turn anyone away from an emergency room. Illegal immigrants know this and they go to the ER for anything from a cold to a splinter, just to get free medical care. American citizens get much worse care because of crowding of illegal immigrants in our hospitals.

By the way, can anyone tell me the qualifications Eva Longoria or Obama have regarding immigration?

Children born to illegals are citizens? If the illegal immigrants were lucky enough to have a child born in America, then the whole family is thinking now they are entitled to health care, food stamps, unemployment benefits, welfare, and social security benefits. Then when immigration wants to throw them out, they cry and whine about breaking up families. The mean people at ICE considering them as illegals is not fair even though they were illegals. When they have an anchor baby, even though they entered this country illegally in violation of American law, they are rewarded. Claiming anchor babies allows your whole family to stay in America visiting the one citizen in the family, is abusing the very spirit of American citizenship. Should the offspring of two illegal immigrants automatically become a citizen. I don't think the originators of the laws expected the abuse from illegal immigrants. How can two people who entered this country illegally be rewarded for their crimes with their offspring automatically becoming a citizen. The two parents were not supposed to be here in the first place. They should have been deported.

Sanctuary? There are sanctuary supporters, sanctuary churches, sanctuary towns, sanctuary cities, and sanctuary states. Limousine liberal sanctuary supporters should be required to contribute their properties, homes, and their real estate to be used to house illegal immigrant Hispanics who need sanctuary. My suggestion is that America's citizens identify illegal immigrants and ship them all to the homes of sanctuary supporters. When there are hundreds of illegal immigrants living, cooking, and peeing in your pool and backyard, I venture to say that they might revisit their support of the sanctuary policy. In many cases sanctuary supporters are elitist wealthy progressive urban liberals who know they are not going to be directly impacted by sanctuary policies. I think we need to make sure they are impacted like everyone else in America

Jobs? Schools? Jobless Americans must compete with illegal immigrants that will work for almost nothing. Çollege Americans must compete with illegal immigrants, and children of illegal immigrants for grants, public and private funds, and scholarships. Illegal immigrants were already offered in-state tuition to many colleges, regardless of where they live. American citizens don't get this discount, why should illegal immigrants who should have been deported? It's college tuition discriminatory practices favoring non-citizens over citizens. If anything is unAmerican, its giving non-citizens benefits that a citizen can't get.

Real Racists? The real racists in this issue are the citizens that are pandering to the illegal immigrant Hispanic community. They are looking the other way, ignoring Hispanic gangs, crimes, drug trafficking, providing extra help to Hispanics, protecting their rights (they don't have any), simply because they are illegal immigrants and Hispanic. They are choosing how America treats them based on their Hispanic race. Groups like La Raza demand American rights by any means possible, because California was once part of Mexico. Members of La Raza are the racists. These Hispanics feel that they are owed something by America, owed for what I have no idea, but there anger and arrogance toward American citizens is startling. If you're protesting and demonstrating anger against America, carrying a poster written in spanish, waving a Mexican flag, and shouting concerns in spanish, then I suggest you must be a criminal illegal immigrant Hispanic and you have no business even being in our country. Please go home, America cannot afford to take care of you anymore.

The rights of illegal immigrants? Other than the basic right to life,  illegal immigrants actually have no human rights according to our laws. That means no right to lawyer, no right to remain silent, no Miranda rights, no right to confront the accusers, no right to a speedy trial, and no right assuming innocence. In fact they have the same rights as captured terrorists. Which makes sense since they are both a threat to our national security. Yet these illegal immigrants who have no Constitutional human rights are pandered to, coddled, and our ICE is force, by orders from Obama, Holder, and Nepolitano to play the costly, time consuming, and useless game of "catch and release".

Racist Americans? Eva Longoria's position that American's are racist when it comes to illegal immigrants is concluded through false assumptions. Why do Americans need to support, help, and take care of criminal illegal immigrants that have entered our country illegally, are costing American taxpayers millions of dollars, and they now demand entitlements, health care, food stamps, welfare,  and citizenship from the American government. These immigrants either work under the table, so they don't pay taxes, or they use stolen identities. Working under the table and stealing identities are illegal and any citizen would be arrested for those crimes. Illegal immigrants by being in the U.S. are breaking laws everyday. Yet Eva Longoria hasn't a clue what is really going on here. She does not understand that the gang, drug cartel, human smuggling, murders, torture, and drug smuggling with all its violence is moving north from Mexico to America.

Reverse Immigration? For some reason progressives, Hollywood, liberals, far left, and socialists believe it is our responsibility to spend money and take care of these criminal immigrants. Yes every single one of them is a criminal immigrant. They have broken the law to get here and now they want to be rewarded for breaking our laws. People keep saying well you can't force millions to leave the country. If the federal and state government enforce the laws already on the books, enforce laws against hiring the illegals, within a decade or two of enforcement, most illegal immigrants will be escorted or chased out of the country. They didn't get here overnight, and we won't be rid of them overnight. Once real immigration enforcement starts, many illegal immigrants will go back home on their own.

A Hostile Takeover of America? Illegal immigrants create the problem and then they blame U.S. citizens for not coming up with a solution that costs Americans tax money that could be used for other needs. There is not an infinite amount of tax money. This is a hostile takeover. Hey we let you slide for a couple of decades, but don't you think it might be time to leave and go home where you belong. This is not racist. If the 12 million illegal immigrants were Swedes we would take the same action. American's are sorry that Mexico sucks, but that does not make it our problem. Fix your own country instead of invading and degrading ours. None of my taxes should be used to support, coddle, facilitate the quality of life for illegal immigrants. This is an invasion and maybe it's about time our military started fighting the invasion.

Know and understand the illegal immigrants? Before you give illegal immigrants the keys to our country, it might make sense to see what they have done with their own country. Mexico is a poverty stricken, gang controlled, drug cartel controlled mecca of illegal drug and human smuggling, kidnapping, with ultraviolence corrupting the government, the military, local police to the point that citizens have no protection, and Mexico now boasts the most dangerous city in the world Ciudad Juarez, and perhaps the most corrupted police in the world. What these people have done to their own country is what they will eventually do with our country.

Everyone convinced illegal immigrants should be thrown out of our country back to their home country, and the border sealed so no new illegals can enter. Raise your hand!