
Sunday, May 29, 2011

MSM Echo Chamber 1, Palin 0

I was reading a post on Politico and the author stated about Sarah Palin, "with her luster dimmed and her national relevance in question". Only people that watch and believe the MSM would make such a statement. It's the constant echo "she's stupid", "she's unqualified", "she's too far right", " she's in the Tea Party", "she's unelectable", and dozens of more constant insults being muttered while liberal progressives wring their hands.

The only reason people believe "her luster has dimmed and her national relevance in question" is because the MSM says it has. In reality she is no dimmer or less relevant than she ever was. As far as the American majority, she has not dimmed nor loss relevance. Just because the pro-Obama MSM says something negative about Sarah Palin does not make it so. Their constant repetitions, saying it multiple times, does not make it anymore accurate or anymore true. The MSM is the lapdog of Obama and will do anything required to be Democrat positive and Republican negative. One should ignore any statements made by ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, PBS, NY Times, LA Times, Boston Globe, Time, and Newsweek. These media outlets have no dedication to the truth. They are only dedicated to spreading the liberal progressive agenda with truth or lies in order to reelect Obama. Intentional inaccurate information is a major tool and major loss of credibility for the MSM.