
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dean: Far-Right Hates Muslims, Gays and Immigrants

watch out he'll get you with his spittle
Once again Howard Dean proves how ill-informed he is. Far-Right doesn't hate Muslims, Gays, or Illegal Immigrants. All the hating comes from the Left hating the Right. Far-Right doesn't hate anybody, except maybe late-term abortion doctors.

See Dean cannot properly name the immigrants as illegal which they are by every world government's understanding of illegal border crossings. They enter illegally and then they demonstrate and complain that America is not providing them with proper entitlements and rights. According to law they have no rights because they entered illegally. A burglar doesn't earn rights by breaking into somebodies home and using their resources. They lose rights by breaking into a home. Are burglars expecting we welcome them to live in our home that they just burglarized? Far-Right doesn't hate them. It just knows our country can't support them all indefinitely. America's in financial trouble. We just cannot be sugar daddy to anyone that sneaks into our country. We don't hate immigrants. It's those who enter illegally and expect to live off of the American taxpayers that we have a problem with. In America virtually everyone is an immigrant.

Most on the Far-Right would prefer marriage is not redefined, but instead a new term for a long term same sex relationship is created and defined however the Gay community wants their relationship legally specified. There are differences with traditional marriage that would put the Gay Community at a disadvantage if they adhered to the rules of traditional marriage. Some rules don't or might not need to apply. That makes a Gay relationship different than marriage and therefore it should be defined by the Gay community as they see fit. As long as same sex piggy-backs off of marriage any changes desired by the Gay Community must also be supported by the straight community. That is not always going to happen. If you create a new relationship all definitions are strictly the responsibility of the Gay Community and the straight population has no influence or responsibility. We don't hate gays. They just think we hate them because far-left megaphones like Dean constantly say that we do.

The Far-Right is very concerned about Islam. Not only the violent extremists, but also the working family Muslims. The issue is how literally do they obey the Koran. If they believe it is the word of God then they have no option other than to obey the Koran as written. So extremists can execute the violence called for in the Koran, the moderate Muslims have kept silent and not said anything. Do they support the extremists? Are they just afraid to speak out? Someone in the Muslim community has got to "modernize" some of the Koran. Some rules might have been fine in Mohammad's time, but they are not compatible with modern society. But then most Muslims don't seem to want modern society, they would prefer to destroy modern society and prove their complete rejection and intolerance for the non-Muslim. Muslims want to live in your country, and then through violence and population growth attempt a "hostile takeover". According to the Koran, the Muslims hate us. We don't hate Muslims.
