
Monday, May 9, 2011

Celebrity Cribs: Osama Bin Laden

Hey Great shopping bags? What did you get me from Walmart?
located in that beautiful vacation mecca Abbottabad, Pakistan

you can always feel safe and secure?

Stunning Modern Architecture Designed by the famous Frank Lloyd Wrong
Osama get in here! I told you to clean your room!.......Ah Ma do I have to?

Osama! you haven't even made your bed! .................C'mon Ma give me a break I 'm busy planning attacks!

Turn that TV off and clean your room! ..........Ah Ma, ......Sponge Bob Square Pants just started!
Candy-Gram For Mr. Osama Bin Laden?
OK...who spilled the grape Kool Aid on the bed
Hillary I have to agree.....Osama is a total slob.......he has 3 wives that could fix up the place
The compound boasts of Osama Bin Laden's own Feng Shui design. A truly stunning place, where Concrete Prison Chic meets Contemporary Afghan Cave topped with a whimsical "living under a bridge" creature comfort feel! Truly a custom home to be proud of? Apparently the neighbors were not happy with Osama. Too much noise during Osama's weekly keggers and bar-b-ques.

The house is now on the market and you can expect it at a really really good price.