
Friday, May 6, 2011

Bring Me The Head Of Osama Bin Laden!

hiding in the mountains

posing looking dangerous, he's a financier, not a fighter

lots more to go in this terrorism war


what America really desires

his huge family, a young trust fund baby
Quite often differing opinions are good, it keeps us thinking. But some of the nonsense about Bin Laden not being treated properly upon confrontation is pure partisan nonsense. It doesn't matter how we treated Bin Laden, somebody always complains about the treatment of Muslims. These same people have never complained about how Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, and other captured Americans were treated by their captors. Nick Berg was beheaded with live video and audio feeds for all to see and hear his screams, so that Americans would run like little scared girls to hide from the big bad Al Qaeda. In Mogadishu, slain U.S. marines were dragged through the streets. Dead U.S. soldiers hung from bridges and 25 Muslim children bombed and killed in Iraq. Well Americans don't run. Americans don't like to see their own people burning in explosions, jumping from a 100 stories to avoid being burned, crushed under the collapse of the WTC Towers, flight attendant's screaming in horror as their throats are cut to gain access to cockpit of hijacked planes, and innocent men, women, and children blown up in Iraq so the news will list casualties and bombings. Al Qaeda didn't care who died, as long as someone died from a bombing and it made the paper they were happy.

Personally I would have preferred if Bin Laden was taken alive and then introduced to months and months of questioning and waterboarding. There's alot of information in his head that is lost forever. But regardless of how he was treated, I could care less. Bin Laden has no right or expectation of reasonable treatment. He is responsible for the horrible deaths of thousands of innocent victims around the world who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Well this time it looks like Osama Bin Laden was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he will be rotting in hell from now on.