
Saturday, April 2, 2011

WI Shop Owner Doesn't Cave To Union Intimidation

Kudos to this shop owner. We need more people that will stand up to the union bullies. Sorry Mr. Union Thug but I do not have to put a sign supporting you in my window. I have the right to put whatever I want in the window of my own shop. 

For some reason union bullies and thugs are venting their anger at non-union taxpayers who have nothing to do with their problem, except they pay for their union retirement and health care costs. The problem the unions have is that have intimidated themselves out of employment. After decades of forcing more benefits and higher salaries, the union finds itself unable to justify their excessive entitlements. They have more entitlements than they deserve simply because they have extorted employers to improve benefits or they will strike. Benefits have been improved so much that non-union private taxpayers are outraged at the arrogance and greed of the unions. The unions do not have the public welfare in their minds they only have their own union personal welfare in mind.

Don't tell me you care about the kids, and then "sick out" strike leaving non-union working taxpayers without day care,  which is a serious problem for working families. Don't tell me you care about the kids when you bring some to demonstrations chanting the union slogans, when these kids should not be manipulated to support the unions.
