
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Useful Idiots: Battle Of The Bozos

Oh no. Media matters is going to train people to attack Fox News. They are all shaking in their boots. Where do these guys get off with this purely shameful attack on the number one news channel for 9 straight years? Me thinks, they think too much of themselves. Me thinks, they will look like a bunch of clowns.

The substantial effort they have to do is to make people not trust Fox News and gain trust in MSM network news reporting. There is a major obstacle. The reason Fox News is #1 Cable Channel for 9 straight years is because Fox News tells fair stories with factual accuracy. The MSM has lost viewers because they tell biased stories with questionable facts. The trust of the viewing public has been lost by the MSM, and to gain that trust back is virtually impossible, especially when they are still reporting biased stories.

To win viewers back from Fox, they would have to tell truthful unbiased stories. Well viewers are already getting truthful unbiased stories from Fox, so why bother to return to the guys that have been lying to them for all those years. There is no incentive to return to the biased MSM stations and networks. Once a news agency loses it's credibility it is almost impossible to get it back. MSM has lost all it's credibility. MSM news outlets still spend the majority of their time slanting and obfuscating conservative truth for the liberal progressive agenda. It's obvious to all the viewers. That's why they are watching Fox News.

"Lie to me once, shame on you, lie to me twice, shame on me"