
Saturday, April 9, 2011

They Believe Global Warming And Don't Believe The Federal Fiscal Crisis?

One argument given by progressives who object to spending cuts, is that the financial crisis, is not a crisis as all conservatives say it is. I realized something when I heard the argument. This argument comes from the same people that religiously believe the end of the world due to climate change is a few short years away. These people are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that global warming exists and all the deniers are "flat earthers". These guys have ignored climate gate's obvious scientific, statistical, ethical fraud and incompetence. They claim all scientists agree, when in fact only about 50% agree. They cannot provide proof of why they believe it. They repeat hearsay anecdotal comments and lies by people and use them as scientific fact. They use the MSM echo chamber to create undeserved credibility for the hearsay and lies. From that point on it is referred to as proven fact. This information is not proven fact. It is just hearsay or a lie at best.

Now the existence of the financial crisis is obvious, undisputed, and will destroy the federal government if we don't do something soon. Millions are counting on the government for health care and retirement. If those resources do not exist then we have a real problem to solve. These same global warmers believe we don't have a financial crisis and that their pet projects should not be cut because these are earmarks they worked hard for and the voters back at home will be upset.

So how can they believe that no financial situation exists but believe the global warming is the hottest problem out there. I do not have an answer to that question. Does it seems that people believe what they want to believe, regardless of fact? Yes that is a possibility and should be somewhat scary to everyone. If you ignore facts you will make wrong decisions. But I guess elitist progressives know better then anyone else.

If we don't stop spending now, and reduce spending, we will not have a government to come back to. One voting district is of no concern when the whole 50 states and federal government are overextended to creditors to the point of collapse. This problem is far more serious than the wishes or expectations of a single voting district, the implementation of a single project, or the impacts of a theoretical global warming catastrophe. The call to fiscal battle is now here. Those who survive will spend less, and eliminate duplication and inefficiency in government. Those who don't survive will keep spending more.

It's time for government and the people to return to citizen entitlements the money that has been stolen from those entitlements for decades. Your going to pay me now or pay me more later. The choice is yours.