
Friday, April 8, 2011

Scarlett Johansson Pimps For Planned Parenthood, Stats Should Concern Blacks, 3% Abortions Sounds Low?

In The Ad She Never Mentions The Word "Abortion". Lying By Omission Is Still Lying.

Source 1 gives some information about intended black genocide as Margaret Sanger's original intention for Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood statistics say that Abortions are only 3% of their provided services. I do not believe the percent  of abortions is so low. But lets say its 3% of their business. How many babies is that? Current estimates say since 1973,  it's about 50 million babies have been aborted. That's on average about 1.3 Million babies killed each year. Planned Parenthood, Democrats, and Progressives must be so proud. In fact, unbelievable as it may be, they are proud of it. They have expanded, protected, and extended the right of women to kill their own babies for any reason they want. You can kill your baby if you want it dead, no questions asked.

