
Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Left Does, MSM ignores, And The Right Is Accused

In this post: wherever you see "left" or "democrats" referred to, that automatically includes all the MSM (Main Stream Media)

The left aborts 1.3 million babies each year,          the right is called murderers
The left supports the unions over taxpayers,          the right is called anti-worker
The left has public funded left biased radio,          the right is accused of partisan lying
The left has Planned Parenthood genocide,           the right are called racist bigots
The left created the KKK,                                       the right is called anti-black, anti-minority
The left has more millionaires,                               the right is called the party of the rich
The left has made racist remarks about Obama,   the right is called intolerant
The left has trapped minorities in welfare,            the right is called the enemy of the poor
The left goes to war ignoring Congress,                the right is called unilateral war mongers
The left touts civil rights record,                            the right was formed as the anti-slave party
The left plans to control our private lives,             the right is called fascist nazi's
The left wants dependents womb to tomb,             the right is called oppressive
The left Senate does nothing to create a budget,   right House has one, only hear complaints
The left is the party of Robert Byrd,                      the right is accused of minority hatred
The left display constant vitriolic name calling,   the right is called uncivil
The left shows disrespect for the military,            the right is accused of American Imperialism
The left worships domestic terrorists,                  the right is accused of violence
The left elects an under acheiver POTUS,           the right is accused of anti-POTUS hate speech
The left hides POTUS school records,                 the right is accused of witch hunting
The left hides POTUS birth certificate,                the right is accused personal attacks POTUS
The left elects an incompetent POTUS,               the right is supposed to ignore all the failures 
The left participates in voter/election  fraud,      the right is blamed for voter/election fraud
The left commits the crime,                                 the right is blamed for the crime
The left is the party of "Can't Do"                      the  right is the party of "Can Do"

What does this all mean? It means that the left engages in a charade of active participation. The left is not actively participating to find the best solutions for the country. Instead the play political semantic games, personal attacks, name calling, delay tactics, joke telling, ignore the clearly visible, promote inaccurate facts, ignore candidates skeletons, refuse to discuss the merits of policies, live to buy votes with taxpayer money, and think they can run this grotesque comedy of cynics 'till the cows come home. 

The voters are no longer laughing at irrelevant humor, no longer accepting empty promises, and just plain tired of the Democrats in this country acting like children. Only children run and hide to avoid a vote. Only children distribute, believe in, and focus on manufactured lies of  expertise, talents, and communication skills, while ignoring the negative impact that POTUS is having on this country.

Is it possible that someday the Democrats will start speaking the truth and work for the best benefit of our country, instead of the benefits of the unions? We all hope so. But it's getting late and the cows are on their way, and the American voter is fed up with the juvenile tactics of the Democratic party.

American voters are leaving the Democratic party in droves and participating as Republicans, Independents, or Tea Partiers for the simple reason that they want to get something done. They want to fix problems so our children have it as good as we did, and they can pass the same to their children. The American voter is willing to personally sacrifice so that the country as a whole improves. The Democratic party have come across as buffoons and fools, and I think their comedy act, thank god, has run out of time!