
Monday, April 4, 2011

Muslim Exceptionalism

Every time I turn around there is a Muslim somewhere screaming how sacred Islam is, how sacred the Koran is, how Muslims are exceptionally devoted to their religion, and their religion is the most important thing in their lives. Islam gives their lives meaning, direction, and purpose. But there's a problem. Islam really gives their lives meaning through the hatred of non-Muslims, direction to dominate the world, and the purpose of killing all those who stand in the way of that domination.

In every conversation, in every discussion they express that we are Muslims and we are more special then all the other religions and peoples. I call it the God 3.0 delusion. Religions based in Abraham and Moses appeared at different times in history.

Judaism is God 1.0 because it came first in history and it is based on the historical figures of Abraham and Moses. Christianity is God 2.0 because it came second in history and it is based on the figures of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Islam is God 3.0 because it came third in history, is the final word of god to mankind, and is based on Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad.

According to Muslims, the Koran is the word of God spoken by the Archangel Gabriel to Mohammad. Mohammad is the chosen one, leader, the warrior of Islam, and he spread the religion of Islam through terrorism, violence, intimidation, and hatred of non-Muslims. In many cases it was convert to Islam or die by the sword. That was the choice given to many in Mohammad's time. That tradition of force, over the top violence, and flaming hatred of non-believers is alive and well today, and seen in any modern Muslim public demonstration.Usually the demonstrations are nothing more than screaming and banners that threaten to kill, behead, and apply Islamic and Sharia Law to non-Muslims because it is their duty to enforce the domination of Islam over all other religions, over all peoples, with death as the acceptable penalty for those who resist conversion to Islam.

There is not much ambiguity with Muslims, covert to Islam or die. Convert from Islam to another religion and you will die.If you are gay you will die. If you are a woman you will be submissive to your husband or father. As Muslims they have no need to socialize, work, befriend, go into business, or even associate with non-Muslims. Muslims desire staying with their own kind, keeping to themselves with other Muslims, and see no reason to understand and participate in the non-Muslim world. According to Muslims, non-Muslims are unclean, godless, whores, going to hell, and blasphemers.

In Europe, Muslim immigrants were welcomed into the nations as new participants and contributors to European life. The goal was to bring in new blood and new enthusiasm to continue European business and social life in their declining population. What they got for their efforts was much different than expected. Instead they got segregated Muslim communities unwilling to integrate, socialize, or participate in anything non-Muslim. These attitudes are reinforced by the Koran, their Imams, and the local mosques. Europeans were considered enemies of Islam and deserved no respect due to lack of dedication to Islam. Crimes against Islam have cost the lives of Non-Muslims. Movies critical of the treatment of Muslim women, books against Islam, and even drawing cartoons of Mohammad resulted in violent murders. The same situation is happening in America. Muslims have no concept of loyalty to a government or gratefulness to countries that allow them to immigrate.

To Muslims, Islam is the government and the religion. There is no need for any civil governments or other religious denominations. Only Muslim is sacred, everything else insults Allah. To prove their seriousness and to intimidate host nations they have attacked public facilities, bombed trains and buildings, and flew planes into the World Trade Center. Many of these Muslims entered their host countries through student visa's and financial assistance sponsored by the host country. They view these gifts and opportunities from non-Muslims nations as proof of the weakness and stupidity of these non-Muslim nations, and consider the opportunity as an open door to spread the domination of Islam.

From what I have seen, all that Muslims care about is Islam. If the world waited for the scientific discoveries and improvements coming from Islamic countries, one would be in for a very long wait. The Muslim street just doesn't care about anything that is not in the Koran. They are trained from a young age to dedicate themselves to being good Muslims, memorizing large portions of the Koran, and pray 5 times daily to continuously reinforce the presence of Islam in their lives. Some of the rules and traditions of Islam could easily be described as the behavior of a cult. Their singular obsession with the Koran, Allah, and Mohammad live little room for anything else in their lives.

Young Muslims are also always taught "taqiyya". This is the intentional deception of non-Muslims about the true goals and purpose of Islam. They will never admit the goal is Islamic domination. All Muslims intentionally deceive non-Muslims. Never believe anything a Muslim says.

So Muslim exceptionalism is really the blind, single mindedness, inflexible, non-social, extremely violent, and complete lack of interest in anything non-Muslim.