
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Islam's Honor Killings In America, Who Are The Missing Muslim Women?

Islam the religion of peace and tolerance kills young women as part of their family honor rituals. How many women in America have been killed for honor but never reported missing. I've discussed this topic before but I think it needs repeating. Muslims living in the U.S. are still performing honor killings of their family members, usually a daughter who refuse an arranged marriage, a promiscuous girl, or the girl is getting too westernized and the father/husband/boyfriend does not like it.

Well these killings are going on but they are falling through the cracks of America's criminal justice system. The American system for homicides expects either of 2 things. A body is found that needs to be investigated, or someone reports a missing or killed person that needs to be found. In the Muslim community, if the body is hidden and no one (the honor killer) reports it missing, then there are unreported murdered women that the state knows nothing about.

A suggestion what to look for. Everyone will list dependents for tax purposes so at first all young Muslim females have a record that they existed as a dependent, and she is also enrolled in school which keeps records. Now if a few years later the killer decides to honor kill that female and her school records will suddenly stop at a certain grade, and the father may or may not modify his tax dependents. Assume he doesn't so he gets more from the government in tax credits, which is now illegal because she doesn't exist.

I propose a few methods to isolate possible honor killings:
  • check school records. Look for a Muslim girl that was enrolled and suddenly isn't even enrolled though the parents have not moved.
  • check tax deductions and verify it is the same daughter that was in school
  • if she's not around they will say they sent her back home. Verify that her travel tickets etc. back home occurred.
  • if she disappears from school, and can't be found to verify taxes, or suddenly no longer a tax dependent, and no travel arrangements found that took her back home. There is a very good chance that the father performed an honor killing and his family members and friends will not report the girl missing. So as far as the government knows nothing happened. You never know someone is missing until someone reports her missing. The Muslim community will not report her missing.
  • I wonder how many honor killings have occurred in this country because the body is disposed of and no report of a missing daughter has been made. The girls just disappear? While all the Muslims keep silent because honor killings is part of their tribal heritage.