
Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Incredible Shrinking Obama

Obama lives in the world of "political truths". A "political truth" is any statement or action that supports the partisan policies and/or political agenda regardless of how untrue, unethical, or immoral that action or statement may be. A "political truth" has no relation to reality or the actual truth. Politicians, like Obama, learn these "political truths" working in a political machine like Chicago. If you scratch the back of the union, the union will scratch your back, etc, etc. There the only "political truth" that matters is winning by any means possible. Saul Alinsky would be so proud.

Obama has brought the tunnel vision of "political truths" to the White House. He and his staff, cabinet, and appointees are as partisan a group as have ever run the White House. There is no concept of doing whats best for the country or the majority of Americans. No, the Obama Administration does what is best for his Democrat party, his union base, his minority base, his gay base, his corporation base, and his Hollywood base. All he cares about is the "political truth" that any action taken must benefit his partisan political base.

I have always believed that partisan politics and political truths are for campaigns and elections. But once the victory is won, in office the politician represents all the voters, and he should do what is right for the majority of voters, instead of pandering to his partisan cronies. Obama is incapable of a non-partisan decision. His very ideas, thoughts, emotions, policies, agenda, speech, and actions are always patisan by design.

You win an election being partisan. Everyone takes a side. Though once you are in office, you win the support of the people by doing whats right for the country. You put your country's needs ahead of any partisan needs. Obama only knows partisan. He has no concept of non-partisan. Non-partisan does not exist in his world. If you look at all his major bad decisions, they were made for partisan politics and not what is best for the country as a whole.
