
Friday, April 15, 2011

CNN Wildly Misquotes Senator Jon Kyl, Plenty More Lies To Come

Here's an example of the uncontrollable constant flood of bogus information from the MSM. It will be English channels. It will be in Spanish channels. It will be all lies, misleading statements, and making up facts to fit their agenda's argument.

Every voter has a full time job just to fact-check what the MSM present as news. Top it off with middle eastern Farci version channels and you'll never know what anyone is saying anybody.


Related Issues:
An example of worldwide stations providing misleading information. When the Koran burning happened and caused Muslims to murder 10 innocent non-Muslims in Afghanistan.World wide stations blamed the deaths on the Koran burner for provoking a response.

The real problem is the actual response selected by the Muslims, killing innocent non-Muslims thousands of miles away from where the infraction occurred. They were provoked to kill innocents because that is what their Imams and other Muslims told them to do. The Muslims viciously killed 10 innocent people because some one disrespected the Koran? That's brutal, cruel, barbaric, and insane. No apology will ever be heard from any Muslim about this. I think that is the main point. If you are Muslim you can do whatever you want as revenge and it's OK. Because you are a crazy fanatical Muslim, and sometimes these thing need to be done to protect, Allah, Mohammad, and the Koran.

In CNN everywhere, the U.S. and other countries, the story was presented that it was the Koran burner who is responsible. Even O'Reilly tried to blame the deaths on the burner. But No, it's really the Muslim fanaticism that you can do anything you want in protecting Islam. The 10 murders are the issue and how come we will never see any Muslims brought to justice for their crime. As far as I know, no crime was ever reported officially because everyone new nothing would happen to the murderers. Nothing will ever be said about those who carried out the murders. If a band of Christians attacked and killed 10 Muslims there would be calls for their heads immediately from the Muslim world. But the media, MSM, progressives, and liberals appease Islam and give it more respect than any other religion, and much more respsect than it really deserves