
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Far Left ‘Hope Sarah Palin Dies’ Page Is Still Up and Running On Facebook

The fact that Facebook hasn't removed  "hope Sarah Palin dies" page is a clear indication of the political, partisan, juvenile, and intolerant direction Facebook appears to be going. Not only do they support the values of liberal, progressive, Democrats, but they actively attack and offend those with opposing viewpoints. Rather than present both sides of an argument and let let the voters decide, they take the MSM route of only presenting progressive positions, and attacking all opinions that differ.

Facebook, Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Twitter are the MSM, PBS, NEA, and NPR of the internet. Extreme partisan activism as well as extreme ignorance and intolerance of opposing conservative views. I personally deactivated my Facebook account when discussions began about hiring Robert Gibbs to a senior executive position. Appointment of someone with his political ties makes the appointment political and not business related.
