
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Elderly and Working Class Americans: the Forgotten Political Footballs

The lack of respect and appreciation for the greatest generation is shocking. The greatest generation's work ethic, military efforts, and country building impacts have forever changed the face of America and the World. Yet they are betrayed by AARP, who sold out to big business insurance and supported Obamacare, the military is only political leverage threatening the loss of wages during budget discussions, and the elderly are held hostage by new politicians who do not want to honor basic compensation already paid for by the elderly. Their social security retirement has already been paid for through their hard working careers. But politicians have raided the social security funds for other uses and left IOU's that cannot be paid. Now the money is gone and I see not action by politicians to honor those IOU's. If you take something that isn't yours and refuse to pay it back "that's stealing". Who will be held accountable for this stealing?
