
Friday, April 1, 2011

Dems Budget Strategy? Blame Tea Party

Years of Democrat mismanagement of Congress with no financial decisions to reduce debt. They increased spending when they should have reduced spending. They made no attempt to produce any fiscally beneficial budget legislation. They made no attempt to start correcting the financial direction the country was going. These guys are blaming the Tea Party? Every Democrat in the Senate and House for the last 8 years should be ashamed of themselves and should be held accountable by voting them all out of office next election.

Lets put Tea Party candidates in their place. The Tea Party is willing to make the tough decisions. The time for delaying those tough decisions is here, and avoidance of those tough decisions will just kick the problems down the road for the next legislators to solve. These cost and spending issues have already been kicked down the road for decades. Enough is enough. It's time for some tough adult decisions.

For any expense or cost in government someone can come up with an anecdotal story of how someone might be hurt by that cut in spending. There comes a time when the anecdotal stories, regardless of how heart wrenching, must be set aside and legislators must look at the maximum long term benefits for the maximum taxpayers. It is not government's job to be everything to everybody. Much that government does, should be handled by personal responsibility, family members, charities, or other community organizations. For fifty years the Democrat control has expanded government into every aspect of the citizen's life. In many areas, the government has no place being involved at all. Many of the roles and responsibility of current government agencies should be in the private sector and not the public sector.
