
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Are These The Guys Your Gonna Trust To Take Care Of Your Children And Grandchildren?

Ayers ex-terrorist bomber, wrote Obama's book

Obama, ex-community organizer, no birth or school records
Collins RINO Extraordinare
Snowe RINO Extraordinaire

Boxer "call me Senator, General I've earned it"

Kucinich suing U.S. Govt for $130,000  due to olive pit

Biden "Obama is articulate and clean"

Frank destroyed Fannie, Freddie, and Housing market

Levin and his "Heil Hitler" salute

Spectre king of the RINOs. now a Dem

McCaskill failed to pay $287,000 in back taxes

FleeBaggers "Baby we were born to run"

Rangel Poster Boy for Partisan Political Corruption

Hoyer Blames GOP for Finance and Shutdown problems, Dems innocent
Reid "doesn't matter what the House does, we'll block it in the Senate, that's Dems being bipartisan"
Schumer Arrogance personified
Waxman Narcissism Extraordinare
Pelosi "We have to pass it to see what's in it"

  • Think about it. Are you going to trust these proven incompetent politicians to do the right thing for your children and your grand children.
  • These guys have no ethics, morals, values, or behavior that you can count on. They lie regularly. They lie when it is obvious they are lying. They mislead, misdirect, deceive, and use omission often to cover their crimes. 
  • These guys really believe that they know whats best for the American voter. If they had their way, they would regulate, restrict, and dictate what you eat, what you drink, what you wear, what you read, what you listen to, where you go, how you get there, when you go to school, where you go to school, where you work, what health care treatments your allowed, what health care treatments you are not allowed, who you socialize with, what personal protection you are allowed, what personal protection you are not allowed, what political agenda content is allowed in films, television, books, and radio shows , what political agenda content is not allowed in films, television, books, and radio shows, they are pro-socialism, pro-communism, anti-democracy, and anti-capitalist, and they believe in womb to tomb control of each individual citizen. They believe that if they entice citizens to be on public entitlements, the government can control your life, or else they will throw you off the public entitlements. True freedom and liberty is only available to the progressive elitists who are making the rules, and most rules do not apply to how they live their lives.
  • These are the guys whose strategy to handle the Tea Party includes constant unverified accusations of extremism, racism, bigotry, and un-American activity.  The Tea Party is no such thing. It is a conservative grass roots movement to focus America's attention on the major issues being ignored, including the financial crisis, the "undocumented democrat" problem, and the Muslim problem. The Tea Party has become the default conservative base of the GOP and will continue to grow. Eventually, both the Senate and the House will be under conservative control, as well as POTUS.
  • These progressives shown above are liars, tax cheats, people who disrespect and walk on the flag. They  bribe, extort, elected RINOs who always vote for Democrats, insult the military,  insult our intelligence, and insult our ethics, values, and morals.
  • The American people will not forget the number of speeches Obama made selling Obamacare as the best thing since sliced bread. Obama promises Americans you can keep your doctor, keep your health insurance, no health care rationing, no death panels, health care costs would be reduced, treatment would not be delayed due to competition (30 million more patients) with fixed resources, and health insurance will not be mandatory. Obama knows that everything he has said during these speeches about Obamacare is a lie. 
  • Obama lied right in the face of every American voter. He has shown America how arrogant his administration is, and how stupid they think the American people are. Obama plays Chicago thug politics. Not known for it's transparency, honesty, or ethical values.
  • In Chicago thug politics, as in Islam, it is OK to lie to anyone for any reason whenever you want, and it's acceptable behavior, as long as you think it's OK. No wonder Democrats are more supportive of  Muslims than Christians. They both have intentional lying as a tool of their trade. I'll like watching progressives eagerly scramble to appease Islam for a decade or two, and then watch the startling realization that they stupidly handed their country over on a silver platter to a hostile invader. Islam ain't fooling around, they are violent, mean, evil, determined, and fanatical religious zealots that would gladly and eagerly slit your throat just because they are proving their Muslim value to Allah.
  • They have the MSM supporting them with whatever is needed to hide their indiscretions,  questionable behavior, incompetence, or bad decisions. The MSM whitewashes everything from the Democrats, and criticizes and negatively sensationalizes everything from the Republicans.
  • They single-handedly caused the housing market collapse, and the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by reducing borrowing restrictions for home mortgage. It turned out they lent a lot of money to people unable to pay it back and since there was no down payment some people just walked away from their houses. 
  • This is the party of the failed Stimulus package which did not stimulate. These are the people that took over ownership of banks, investment houses, and automobile companies. They are losing money in all of these investments. 
  • Above there is William Ayers an ex-professor at University of Illinois at Chicago. He was a founder of the Weathermen and the Students for a Democratic Society. He bombed police stations and civil buildings, and caused deaths. He never paid for his crime because the FBI fouled up evidence and none it could be admitted to convict him. Naturally with those credentials he was hired as a college professor. In his spare time he claims to have written Barack Obama's book "Dreams From My Father" and he eagerly tramples and walks on the American flag. Obama has not tried to refute the book writing claim. Ayers is also a guy that Obama always claimed he didn't knew very well. Obama's political career began in Bill Ayers living room , and Bill wrote his book and let Obama take credit during the election.
  • They do not govern jointly with GOP. They are all partisan all the time. They stand and do nothing, and then when GOP tries to do something they point fingers, whine, and complain about what the GOP is trying to do. 
  • We have budget problems today because when the Democrats controlled both the Senate and the House they just didn't bother to do a budget. It's called dereliction of duty. 
  • These are the politicians who when they controlled both the Senate and the House they rammed through Obamacare against the wishes of the majority of the American people. They voted for Obamacare after seeing poll upon poll that the majority of Americans were against it. These are the guys that are offering unions and businesses waivers from having to participate in Obamacare because it it too costly. Over 1000 waivers have been accepted so far. Mostly for cronies, friends, and supporters of the Democratic party. The organizations that are requesting waivers are the same organizations that touted Obamacare's praises and now they want waivers because Obamacare is obviously not cost effective.
  • The Democrats should not think that Americans will forget the blatant thug politics of Obamacare vote buying by the Obama Administration. Senator Mary Landrieu was offered $300 million for the Louisiana Purchase federal funded projects for voting for Obamacare. Nebraska Cornhusker Hustle and one or two other states received special bribes for voting Obamacare through the Senate and the House, which were both controlled by Democrats at that time. This was bribery plain and simple and circumvented the process and spirit of democracy. Politicians were voting for the bill because of what they were bribed with and not on the merits of the Obamacare bill itself. Welcome to Chicago thug politics where the resulting end is justified by the unethical means, forcing this very unpopular health care through the Congress of the U.S..  Obama himself took great joy and pride in getting the Obamacare bill through. From an health care patients perspective, this Bill is perhaps the worst 2700 page monstrosity of health care socialization, rationing, death panels, and overreaching plan to ever attack the very core of what was the greatest health care system in the world. Now all Americans will be burdened with months or years to receive a treatment if they are allowed to have the treatment at all. Now there are 30 million more patients but no more doctors or nurses. Now health insurance is mandatory for everyone whether they want it or not. The Constitution does not permit the government to make it mandatory that all buy health insurance whether they want it or not, whether they need it or not.
  • The Obama Administration is the U.S. government that took a round the world apology tour. Apology tour? Apologizing for what? Freeing and rebuilding Europe. Freeing Kuwait. Defeating Germany and Japan. We provided the Berlin Airlift to fight and eventually win the cold war. How about trying to save the South Vietnamese, just like we saved the South Koreans. What country provides as much foreign aid around the needy world. America has done more to help and aid countries from all over the globe. Between military assistance, foreign aid, disaster relief, and protector of human rights whenever possible. Not a single country in history has been more generous, of treasure and blood, to other nations than the U.S. So I am not sure what personal "guilt" you are apologizing for Mr. Obama, but it doesn't have to do with the reality of America's history and alliances.
  • The Democrats are constantly calling the GOP and Tea Party racist, bigots, and anti-minority. However The Republican party was created as the party to abolish slavery. The GOP was the party of Abe Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King. The Democrats are the party of the KKK (Southern Democrats), George Wallace, Robert Byrd, Margaret Sanger, James Earl Ray, and the party that supports Planned Parenthood's genocide of the black community.  Yet the constant accusations continue even though they are not supported by the facts.
  • These guys have assured that a mother has the god given "right to privacy" which permit women to kill their children anytime during pregnancy. This "right to privacy" is more important than the Constitutions "right to life" for all human beings. Does anyone here think a fetus 100% human being has the "right to life"?
  • They don't care about the American taxpayer. All they want to do is raise taxes on Americans so they can provide better entitlements to their public union cronies, provide more welfare so poor people are stuck in welfare forever, provide support for Planned Parenthood and it's 1.3 million abortions per year, provide funding for NEA, PBS, and NPR so America can hear a left partisan view of the world, provide special laws to protect Muslims as a threatened religious group, force America on rationed death panels socialized medicine with an extra 30 million more patients without any more doctors, and they will suspend paying the military as part of their spending cuts.