
Monday, April 4, 2011

Arrogant Freightening Laborers - Criminally Intimidating Others, Against WI Shop Owners, New Protection Racket?

Arrogant Freightening Laborers - Criminally Intimidating Others

AFL-CIO and all these Unions that are trying to bully their way into support are idiots. All they will create is more entrenched enemies. Instead of how to win friends and influence people they are showing how to make enemies, alienate and anger people. The unions attack on non-union members is outrageous. Do they think they will get sympathies for unions? No way, the unions have better salaries, better retirement benefits and  better health care benefits than the non-union taxpayer. So exactly why should the non-union taxpayer care about the unions excessive entitlements being adjusted for financial reality. They don't care. In fact non-union taxpayers think the union benefits and entitlements should be drastically reduced by at least 15% across all entitlements.

There is the possibility that what the unions are doing, extortion, threats, intimidation,  is completely illegal. I hope that is the case and I hope they are prosecuted accordingly. The unions are threatening that shop owners show support for them or else they'll cause boycotts of their shop.

Richard Trumka should be arrested for union abuses of extortion, illegal intimidation, and protection rackets against shop owners. Unions can go to  hell. We don't work for or with them! They don't deserve the benefits they already have. They already have better benefits than the non-union taxpayer who pays for their union benefits. They extorted those entitlement with threats of strike against the government at non-union taxpayer expense. Since when did organized crime (unions) get control of the protection rackets without any law enforcement protection for shop owners!
