
Friday, April 1, 2011

1 Koran Burned In Florida, 10-12 U.N. Workers Killed in Afghanistan Retaliation, Islam The Religion Of Peace?

My condolences to those slaughtered for no reason. A Koran burning is no reason. No one deserved to die for a simple symbolic act of defiance. Whomever killed the 10-12 individuals should be tried for first degree murder and a hate crime. Two of the bodies were beheaded.

Some might want to blame the one who burned the Koran. Although it was a provocative action, the retaliation murder of 10-12 innocent workers in a U.N. compound in Afghanistan as payback could never be anticipated. These murders, are insane delusional madness, the behavior of brainwashed "Manson Family" cult members, and the work of mindless bloodthirsty animals. To my knowledge Islam is the only religion that encourages and justifies these kind of "Manson Family" attacks. Islam, the Koran, and the Imams encourages extreme violence to intimidate non-Muslims.

They want all non-Muslims to be afraid of challenging or questioning Islam.

Here's a less violent situation but still shows the intimidation tactics used by Muslims. In Gitmo the Muslim prisoners complained that they were handed the Koran, provided free by their captors, by unclean non-Muslim hands. It was an offense to Islam they said. They demanded that something be done. So in an act of complete stupidity, Gitmo soldiers were ordered to where latex gloves when handling the Korans. So now every time a soldier hands a Koran to a prisoner he is admitting that he is an unclean non-Muslim who cannot be allowed to touch the sacred book of the Koran.

The prisoners get a great laugh about how they manipulated prison procedure to make non-Muslims look like fools. What Gitmo should have done was hand them a Koran with their bare hands. If the prisoner felt they were unclean, then don't use the Koran. Gitmo was providing a courtesy to the inmates. If the inmates don't like it, then don't use it. Prison procedures should not be changed by manipulative Islamic inmates. Gitmo is a prison for murderers, not an Islamic retreat and not a sleep away camp. Sometimes it deserves the insult "Club Gitmo".

Muslims speak of the intelligence, beauty, and thoughtful character of Islam, and profess it is a religion of peace and tolerance.


The truth is that Islam is a frightening dark drama showcasing a chaotic verbal and physical inflamed style, with all the wild and crazy Muslims constantly screaming "Kill the infidels!", "Kill the Infidels!", "Kill the infidels!".

The truth is that good Muslims do not have any sense of humor or friendship or tolerance of non-Muslims. They would prefer that all non-Muslims were dead. They have no respect or interest in non-Muslims or their lives. Non-Muslims are just godless, weak, sinners, who are unredeemable. These attitudes and beliefs  are encouraged by the writings in the Koran, Imams, and the local mosque.

The truth is that Islam is an arrogant, narcissistic, violent, hateful, murderous religion that has no respect for humanity other than Muslims. I still consider it to be a cult and not a real religion like Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, or Buddhist. Their Islamic definition of peace and tolerant is:

"Do what we say or somebody dies"
"Insult Islam and people will die"
"Do anything that contradicts the teachings of Islam, and non-believers will die"

Muslims are a one trick pony, their solution to everything is "Kill the infidels!".

In the coming conflict between Islam and the rest of the world, pretty soon you'll hear cries of the opposition shouting "Kill the Muslims!".
