
Sunday, March 20, 2011

White House Sides With Muslim Brotherhood Instead of Peter King

White House deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough lavished praise on Muslim Cleric Mohammad Magid. Imam Mohammad Magid is a card carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ISNA (Islamic Society of North America). Both Muslim Brotherhood and ISNA have been caught funding terrorism but claiming its humanitarian activities. Al Qaeda's number 2 man Ayman Al-Zawahiri (pictured left) is also a founding member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Instead of supporting Peter King's (R-NY) Washington radicalization hearings, the White House decides to try and appease those who scream from the house tops "kill the infidels!".

This White House seems to be in complete denial of the purpose and opinions of all Muslim organizations. They are all front for terrorist groups. All unindicted co-conspirators to terrorist funding activities. This White House administration believes what these Muslim groups say. Even though they lie to non-believers, they still believe what they say. This White House is the most ignorant incompetent group of "useful idiots" ever seen in the U.S. They disbelieve what their own people tell them and believe the peaceful, tolerant, and trustworthy Muslims from any and all Islamic organizations instead. This White House is leading America to destruction at the hands of a cult called Islam. The behavior of Imams, mosques, use of the Koran, and hate-filled rhetoric against non-Muslims resembles a cult more than a mainstream religion. By the way, the Muslim Brother Hood is banned in Eqypt. Al Qaeda's number 2 man Ayman Al-Zawahiri was one of the founding members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its first major act was the assasination of Anwar Sadat.
