
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Obama Wants Illegal Immigrants To Succeed?

after amnesty shows: "viva la raza" graffiti on the sign

What does Obama mean saying "we want them [illegal immigrants] to succeed"?
Does he want the illegal immigrants to get jobs and live illegal for years?
Does he want to attract more illegal immigrants?
Does he want them to find gainful employment without paying taxes?
Does he want our health care system to support 12 million illegal immigrants for free?
Does he want millions of children of illegal immigrants to receive public school for free?
Does he want to reduce costs of College for illegal immigrants while not helping citizens?
Does he want thousands of births in U.S for illegal immigrant parents to become anchor babies?
Does he want illegal immigrants taking jobs desperate unemployed Americans want to do?
Does he want La Raza to succeed with their harsh and violent racist threats?
Does he want to encourage La Raza narcissism?
Does he want our prison system to expand for the need of million of criminal illegal immigrants?
Does he want illegal immigrants rewarded for illegally immigrating to this nation?
Does he want illegal immigrants to get better treatment than legal immigrants?
Does he want illegal immigrants to get ahead in the line for citizenship?
Does he want to play catch and release with criminal illegal immigrants?
