
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

No Crime, No Harm, No Foul?

New Black Panthers who were stationed at the door to the polling place, carrying billy clubs, and speaking racial insults to voters, "you vote for Obama or else", have been determined completely innocent of any wrong doing by the current AG Eric Holder. I would like to see if 2 white men had done same thing. They would be in jail right now.

For some reason nobody told Eric Holder he is supposed to enforce the laws to protect all Americans. A simple gaze at the picture above is convincing evidence of the crime. Eric Holder says he doesn't want to "demean his people" by pursuing the case.

Source1 link shows the DOJ 19 month self-investigation into their handling of the New Black Panther Polling case. Guess what? They found their actions, investigations, and conclusions were all completely ethical.  Who are they trying to kid, the taxpayers of this country are not buying this nonsense. There will be angry voter backlash.


