
Friday, March 25, 2011

Islam In Norway, Muslims Bully Natives, Avoid Integration, Show Disrespect

Immigrant Muslims do not want to integrate. They want to threaten violence to those that will not submit to Islam. They abuse translators because Muslims do not want to bother learning the language in the country that has taken them in, and they want to keep non-Muslims confused. They don't care that these European nations provided them with work, and provided them with a future. They are not grateful. 

All they want is Islam, Allah, Mohammad, Muslims, the Koran, and the mosques. They have no respect for non-Muslims. They are taught from a young age to hate all non-Muslims.The cartoon is accurate. Muslims have no sense of humor. What Muslims have is hate for all non-Muslims. Has anybody ever seen a devoted Muslim comic? I don't think a Muslim comic exists. 

In Norway as in all Europe there is an Islamic infiltration, intimidation, lack of cooperation, no respect for natives of the country they are in, and no interest in learning anything western. They live as an isolated segregated Muslim community, apply constant pressure on the host country to bend to their Islamic ways, and watch with a treacherous grin as Islam slowly takes over Europe. 

If it was my choice I would start deporting Muslims to their home country, and not let anymore into the country. The have abused their host country hospitality and have overstayed their welcome. Let them go back to their home country, and enjoy their cherished Islamic way of life. Europe, and the west in general, cannot tolerate the arrogance, lack of cooperation,  and selfishness of Muslims, Islam, Imams, Islamic Law, the Hadith, the Sira, Jihad, and Sharia Law. The west has every right to treat Muslims differently, just like Saudi Arabia discriminates against non-Muslims. We are forced into playing by their rules. Fine, that levels the playing field when we don't have to place Muslim civil rights ahead of the rights of our own native citizens. This is War. Europe and the west cannot allow themselves to be invaded, and taken over by a Radical,Violent, Intolerant, Cult based on hatred of non-cult members. Its time to stand up and be counted before time runs out. It could be too late already.
