
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Need For The Military To Protect Our Borders

These drug cartels are responsible for over 30,000 murders in Mexican border towns. Those murderers will soon show up in American border towns. It's pay cartels now or pay the cartels twice later.

Military combat troops should be placed along the border. Signs put everywhere say " U.S. Army Border Security will see that all illegal border crossers are either stopped or shot". Let the army go and do their thing. Within 1-2 days after army starts enforcing. The world would hear about the new tough border strategy. Army very adapt at firing without harm to scare then back to Mexico. Every Coyote, every border crosser, and those even thinking about crossing the border, won't, If the army wants it might make sense for these areas between countries to be DMZ areas and crossing could be fatal from American Army snipers.

source: warning link has explicit brutality: